Thursday, 3 September 2015

Be Fashion Conscious

Last year I had loads of unwanted clothes and a lot of them were either unsellable, or just not worth the hassle. So looking at the options available, I felt a charity shop, although it be for a good cause, (after having worked in one) I know a lot of it is bagged up and sent around in circles to and from the shops and warehouse, so I didn't feel like that was the best option.

For a while I didn't know what to do with it, until one day shopping in H&M. I noticed their Fashion Conscious collection box so I asked more about it at the till. Turns out H&M not only collect unwanted clothes, but even  unwearable clothing.

Clothes that can be worn again are sold as second hand goods worldwide. Anything else is recycled into things like dish cloths, insulation for cars or even used to produce energy. Better yet, for every kilogram H&M collects, 0.02 euros is donated to a uk charity. I definitely think the best part is, for every bag of clothes you hand in, you get a five pounds voucher off your next thirty pounds spend.
If you want to find out more just visit their website
Just making a small change can make a massive difference.

Thanks for reading <3

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