Monday 13 January 2014

Changed my web address Vikixo

I know that doing this loses all your followers but I felt that I didn't put enough thought into it when I set it up. Silly of me I know but I want to start taking my blog to the next level and hopefully a few more changes will be happening over the next 12 months and I want you all to carry on with me on this journey.

I will keep you posted on all changes and developments if you want to call them that. so please head over to my profile on bloglovin and follow my other blog the name is still vicki hert but the web address is now vikixo. Make sure to follow on bloglovin too. :)

Thanks for following me this far :) <3

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

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Thanks for reading, I appreciate all the comments. :) Why not tweet me if you have a question @niki_neko