Thursday, 20 February 2014

My Favorite #Youtubers

This is going to be my first ever blog series. "Yeey" I've decided to try it as "why not?" or "yolo".
I just thought I would try something new. :) I wanted to keep it short as its my first one so I kept the subject simple.   

 My Favorite (Something) 
I've decided to go for my favorite things, I have a few ideas but I'm working on some more. :)

So I'm going to start with my favorite youtubers as this was the first thing that popped  in my head. I have managed to list 7 of my favorite youtubers.  

In no particular order.

Claire Marshall.

x. Youtube Name = HayClaire
x. Websites =
x. Thing = Make-up, Fashion and Lifestyle
x. How I found her? Through the I Love makeup Youtube channel (the same as grace's faces)

Rosanna Pansino.

x. Youtube Name = Nerdy Nummies
x. Websites =
x. Thing = Cool nerdy foods and being cute!
x. How I found her? When youtube did geek week I think it was. :)

Grace Helbig.

x. Youtube Name = It's Grace 
x. Thing = RANDOM!
x. How I found her? Emmmmm.......Pass.

Mamrie Hart

x. Youtube Name = You deserve a drink.
Thing = making cocktails and ripping the P! $$ out of people!
x. She doesn't have a website but CHECK HER OUT!!

Lily Melrose.

x. Youtube Name = Lily Melrose
x. Website =
x. Thing = Style, Fashion and Make-up.
How I found her? I don't remember honestly but I'm So happy because I adore her! :)

Company Magazine 

How could I not...?
x. Website =
x. Thing = Everything company mag (obviously)
How I found Them? Because I love company so much (on there website)


x. Youtube Name = Bubzbeauty/Bubzvlogz
x. Website =
x. Thing = Being Lindy Tbh <3
How I found her? Browsing some hair tutorials (she good at that) 

Thanks for reading 
And make sure to follow so you can stay upto date.

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