Thursday 28 November 2013

Books I've Half Read

Do you ever find it hard to stick to one book? 
Probably not, that's why I'm crazy and you’re most likely not. :)

So beginning of this year end of last, I decided to start a book collection, at first it consisted of a Collins English dictionary, a Holy Bible (given to me by my granddad) and the first and second books from the twilight saga, which to this day I have never read and don't own any more never really got into twilight.
Which brings me to my next point; I now have a small book collection of, wait for it.....books I am half way through. Yep that probably annoys a lot of you, sorry about that :)

So yeah out of the twenty odd books I own only six I have read completely (I know, I know sorry) and only a few I have read twice.
I don’t know! I can start reading a book, then leave it and just sometimes I can pick it back up and not have to read back any pages to understand what I’m reading and vice-versa sometimes I have to read back from the beginning.
Some of the books I've not even opened to try and get into! And others I have not been able to put down, like Dawn O’porter’s “paper aeroplanes” I loved it maybe because I am female, but it was such a captivating story about two completely different girls that end up bff’s. (FWI I’m shit at reviews and yes because I’m female I jumped (or rather I wish I did) on the Mr Gray train and read the “Fifty shades of Grey” trilogy by E L James no more said ;)

 I just think "I want to read them all at once" but then like half way through one I get distracted and then try pick it back up later on, and not want to read that one anymore so I pick up another.
The problem is I have a thing for “Waterstones” a massive book shop and whenever I walk past I have to go in and spend an hour looking around and either buy books or make lists of books I NEED to buy which is how my book collection started. And I am happy with that tbh.

I plan to carry on growing my book collection, although I’m not terribly sure that’s a great idea but hay we all live and learn right?

Thanks for reading guys :)

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