Wednesday 11 December 2013

Fantasy Christmas Wish List

After reading @IAmKirstieKins fantasy wish list post you can find here, I decided to do my own :)

It's just a list of things I really want but definitely not going to get for Christmas so enjoy.

1. Audi R8 coupé.
No, never going to happen, can't even drive :D but hay I can dream right :).

2. A Missguided wardrobe
Missguided recently brought out their "You Better Not Pout" look book for their Christmas campaign and Omg I want everything in it !! Have a look yourself if you haven't already :D
You Better Not Pout
You Better Not Pout

3. French bull or pug puppy
I'm not copying Kirstie I promise! I would love a dog in general and there are so many breeds I would love to have, but a pug or frenchie would make my life complete :) there just so cute and small I could take it anywhere!!
Just look at these two. Left is Manny and right is Frank
You can follow them on Instagram @frank_the_funnyfrenchie @manny_the_frenchie

4. A year supply of Pocky
Pocky is a Japanese candy stick thing and I LOVE THEM! :)

I found places you can buy these heavenly snacks and just because I love this shop all things cute.

Getting difficult now, there's not much I really want. 
So some ridiculous ones for good measure. 

5. Rapunzel hair
Would seriously love Rapunzel long hair!

6. Be Katy Perry
Yes I have a girl crush on her, love this women SO much!

That's all I could think of but most of what I know I am getting, I'm really happy I am! :)
Try making a fantasy wish list of your own? 

Thanks for reading <3
Make sure to leave me a comment

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